Agile Jargons

What are the major terminologies in Agile you should be aware of ?

Here are few:
  1. Product Owner , Scrum master, Scrum Team
  2. Burn-Up and Burn-Down chart 
  3. Product Backlog and sprint backlog
  4. Peer Programming 
  5. Iterative and Incremental Development models
  6. Re-factoring to improve performance 
  7. Test Stub -> Mimic /mock for another module 
  8. Epic , User stories, Tasks
  9. Test Driven Development ; First test scenarios & then do testing 
  10. Velocity :  Story points / Team Capacity or % of  a 40 Hours weeks completed user stories * team capacity
  11. Scrumban = scrum + kanban
  12. Zero Sprint (Environment, design, requirements backlog prep) , Spikes(Feature Lebel technical design)
  13. Agile Strategy(Re-factoring, Small feedback cycle, Dynamic code analysis, Iteration, Bug bash)
  14. Tracer Bullet  -> With respect to Bugs, Spikes, User Stories  to improve the quality of the product
