Tested & verified powerful python oneliners

1. Reverse the words in odd position of a string and maintain the title cases for the reversed words.

python -c "for p in [word[::-1].title() if index % 2==0 else word  for index,word in enumerate('A Quick Lazy Dogs Jumps Over The Fox'.split()) ]: print p,"

2. Print only the lines of a file whose 3rd field is either of '123','234','245'.

python -c "for p in [ line.strip('\n') for line in open('file.txt').readlines() if int(line.split(',')[2]) in [123,234,245] ]: print p"
 cat file.txt | python -c "import sys; [sys.stdout.write(line) for line in sys.stdin if int(line.split(',')[2]) in [123,234,245] ]"

3. Print all the unique words in a file.

python -c "for p in set(word for line in open('file.txt').readlines() for word in line.strip('\n').split(',')): print p, "

4. Awk equivalent: print 3rd field of a file.

python -c "for p in [line.split(',')[2] for line in open('file.txt').readlines() ]: print p"
python -c "import sys;[sys.stdout.write(line.split(',')[2]+'\n') for line in sys.stdin]" < file.txt

5. Convert IP to integer
python -c "print sum( [int(i)*2**(8*j) for  i,j in zip( ''.split('.'), [3,2,1,0]) ] )"

6. Convert Interger to IP 
python -c "print '.'.join( [ str((169090600 >> 8*i) % 256)  for i in [3,2,1,0] ])" 
