Tested & verified 50 useful AWK One Liners
1. How to print the line which matches /regex/?
'/regex/{print $0}'
2. How to print the line
immediately above the line containing /regex/?
'{x=y"\n"$0;y=$0};x~/regex/{gsub(/\n.*/,"",x);print x}'
3. How to print the line immediately after the line
containing /regex/?
awk '{x=NR+1};NR==x{print
4. How to get the uniq lines from a file & the count the
line is repeated?
5. Precede each lines with its line number.
awk ‘{print NR “\t” $0}’
6. Precede line numbers only on the non-blank lines.
awk 'NF{++c; print c
"t" $0};NF==0{print $0}'
7. Count the Lines.
awk ‘END{print NR}’
8. Printing words of a line in reverse order
awk '{for (i=NF;i>0;i--){ printf "%s%s",$i,FS } print "" }'
9. Printing lines of a file in Reverse order.
awk ‘{ arr[NR]=$0};END{for(i=NR;i> 0;i--){print arr[i]}}’
10. How to double space a file?
awk 'NF{print $0;print ""}'
11. Precede each lines by its line number for multiple
awk ‘{print FNR “\t” $0}’ files*
12. Print the sum of all the fields in all the lines.
awk '{ for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)sum=sum+$i };END{print sum}'
13. Print sum of
fileds of everylines.
awk '{ sum=0;for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)sum=sum+$i;print sum}’
14. Print the absolute values of all the fields.
awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){ if($i < 0) $i=-$i; }; print
15. Delete the lines containing a pattern only if next line
contains a specific pattern
awk '/regex1/{print $0;getline;if(/regex2/)$0=""};{print
16. Print the sum of all the elements in every columns of a
awk '{ for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) sum[i]=sum[i]+$i;if(max <
NF)max=NF;};END { for(j=1;j<=max;j++) printf "%d\t",sum[j];}'
17. How to get the
longest line of a file by fields?
awk 'max < NF{max=NF;maxline=$0};END{print maxline}'
18. How to print the
total number of words in a file?
awk ‘{total=total+NF};END{print total}’
19. How to get the largest number in the 2nd
awk '{if(NR==1)max=$2; if(max < $2){max=$2}};END{print
20. Print the total
number of lines which contains pattern
awk ‘/Wipro/{C++;};END{print C}’
21. Print the number of words in each line.
awk ‘{print NF “\t” $0}’
22. Print the number of fields in last line of the file.
awk ‘END{print NF “\t” $0}’
23. Print the last field of each line.
awk ‘{print $NF}’
24. Print the longest line of the file by characters.
awk '{if(max < length($0)){max=length($0); maxline=$0}};
END{ print maxline}'
25. Print every line
which contains atleast 3 fields.
awk ‘NF >2 {print $0}’
26. Delete the
leading & trailing tabs & white spaces.
awk '{sub(/^[ \t]*| [ \t]*$/,"");print}'
27. How to insert 2 spaces at the beginning of every line?
awk ‘{sub(/^/,” ”);
28. Substitute bar
with baz in all the lines only on the first instance.
awk ‘{sub(/bar/,”baz”);print }’
29. Substitute bar with baz in everyline on all the
awk ‘{gsub(/bar/,”baz”);print }’
30. Substitute bar with baz only on 3rd instance.
awk ‘{$0=gensub(/bar/,”baz”,3); print $0}’
31. Substitute bar with baz only if first field is foo.
awk ‘$1~/foo/{gsub(/bar/,”baz”)};{print $0}’
32. Exchange first & second fields in a datafile.
awk ‘{temp=$2;$2=$1;$1=temp;print
33. Delete the last word from every line.
awk ‘{$NF=””;print $0}’
34. Concatenate every Two lines using colon separator.
awk '{ if(NR%2!=0) ORS=":"; else
ORS="\n"; print $0}'
35. Print the First line of the file.
awk ‘NR<2 p="" print="">
36. Print Last line of the file.
awk ‘END{print $0}’
37. Print the last two Lines of a file.
awk ‘{y=x”\n”$0;x=$0}END{print y}’
39. Print the lines which contains 65 or more characters.
awk ‘length >64{print $0}’
40. Print the lines between 5th & 15th
line number.
awk ‘NR>4 && NR<16 or="" p="" print="">
awk ‘NR==5,NR==15’
41. Print the lines between pattern regex1 & regex2.
awk ‘/regex1/,/regex2/{print $0}’
42. Print the lines from a pattern to the end of file.
awk ‘/regex/,0’
43. Delete the blank lines.
awk 'NF'
44. Separate each lines by only one blank line.
awk 'NF{print
45. Replace 3rd
& 4th occurrence of a pattern by a string in every lines of a
awk ‘{$0=gensub(/regex/,”string”,3, gensub(/regex/,”string”,4))};{print}’
46. Print only the valid IP addresses & hosts from a
file which contains host & IP address columns.
47. Print the valid phone numbers from a file & format
them like (dddd)-ddd-ddd
awk --re-interval '$1~/^[0-9]{10}$/{
$0}' 2> /dev/null
48. Print the valid e-mail address from a file which
contains e-mail address & username information.
awk --re-interval
49. How to check if a
string is palindrome.
echo ""| awk '{ split($1,a,"");for(i=1;i<=length($1)/2;i++)
if (a[length($1)-i+1] == a[i]) flag=0;else {flag=1;exit 1};if(flag) print
"Not a palindrome"; else print "Its a palindrome"}'
50. How to get the last two word of each line.
awk 'NF<2 n="" nbsp="" printf="" s="" t="">
51. How to replace each fields with its equivalent md5sum ?2>
echo "xyc|jkjk|jkjkj" | awk -F\| 'BEGIN{OFS=FS}{ for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){ $i="'"`echo $i|md5sum`"'";gsub(/-|[ \t]+/,"",$i) };print }'
51. How to replace each fields with its equivalent md5sum ?2>
echo "xyc|jkjk|jkjkj" | awk -F\| 'BEGIN{OFS=FS}{ for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){ $i="'"`echo $i|md5sum`"'";gsub(/-|[ \t]+/,"",$i) };print }'
52. Renaing the file names:
Example: Move all the file names having 'Hourly-Daily' to 'Hourly_Daily'
ls -t | grep -i 'Hourly-Daily' | awk '{orig=$NF;gsub("Hourly-Daily","Hourly_Daily",$NF);system("mv" orig “ “ $NF) }'
Networking and Telecom question and answers