
Showing posts from April, 2010

Solution and prevention of "General error mounting filesystem failed " in ubuntu

There could be many cases where "error mounting filesystem failed" problem can occur. While starting up ubuntu returned this message with information "please run fcsk manually".After running following command in the debugging terminal solved the problem for me: fsck.ext2 /dev/sda1 (ext2 or sda1 depend upon ubuntu installation on your system). When i looked into the root cause of above error, it was due to improper shutdown.When the battery of the system reach to critically low level(almost 0%), then system goes off.This was the reason shutdown was improper.There could be many solution for this, i have one automated solution for this. In linux, "acpi" command returns the status of battery like % level of battery, charging/discharging etc.Now, we run a script that continuously monitors the status of battery and we can interrupt a graceful shutdown if battery label is below some threshold value and battery is discharging.How to do that?Just copy paste ...

5 Most useful Network utilities

Unix has strong commands/utilities to monitor/debug/control the network.Here are the 5 most useful tools: 1.Tcpdump: Tcpdump, very popular network debugging tool, is used to intercept and display packets transmitted/received on a network.Tcpdump command provide various options like dumping the tcp packets only,udp packets only,packets from a specific ports, dumping traffic of a specific interface(This is very useful when you have multiple interfaces connected to different network) and many more.Some of important examples are: tcpdump -q : It displays the quick output. tcpdump -i eth1: It displays the traffic of eth1 interface. tcpdump udp: It captures the udp traffic tcpdump port : It captures the traffic of a particular port number. tcpdump -w xyz.log: It send the captured packets to a file xyz.log. tcpdump "tcp and !": It captures the tcp packets except from 2.nmap: nmap,Network mapper, is a opensource utility for network exploration.nmap dis...

Download songs from a website easily

Download your songs from websites with wget and flashgot utilities. Wget is inbuilt utility in Linux and can be used in windows system just downloading wget for windows.use the following link to download the wget for windows: In linux, use wget in command line to download single as well as bulk songs.Follow the below example as shown in screenshot for doing the same: Alternatively, download your songs just adding a mozilla firefox addon "flashgot".Here are the steps to download songs using flashgot. (1)Open the url and click on "Add to Firefox" button. (2)Click on Install now once software installation window pops up. (3) Restart the firefox once installation is successful. (4) Open the website you want to download the songs from and select the song you want to download.example (5)Navigate to Tools->Flashgot and click on Flashgot Media...