How To Configure a Simple VLAN Topology?
Well, this article explains how to design and configure a simple VLAN topology.I use following topology to achieve the same. Objective: Design and configure the 3 VLANs each having single host as shown in the diagram. Following are the steps to configure above vlan topology: Step1: Select the IP address to suit the topology. As VLAN breaks the broadcast domain, we need to select three different subnets.In above topology, each subnet needs two IP addresses.Hence i select Class-C network & as subnet mask.I know you might have already guessed the reason behind selecting that subnet mask.This mask allows you to configure only two IP addresses per subnet.What are the possible subnets?well, its easy! subtract last octet value from 256, which is basically 256-252=4.Now, make the block size of 4.Following are the possible subnets:,,, & so on. In each subnet lowest ip address is network address ...